Insurance & Safety



Renovations & Restorations is insured for loss and damage to yours and its property, the general public and Workcover.

This insurance consists of Business Insurance which covers loss or damage to property of the place of work or any place where a loss is occurred attributed to Renovations & Restorations. The insurance is to make good the loss or damage to existing conditions.

Public Liability insurance is covered.

Renovations & Restorations is registered for Workcover, as required by Victorian State law, and its staff & workers are covered by Workcover insurance and its regulations.


Occupational Health & Safety

Renovations & Restorations is safety focused. Dan has completed Workplace Construction Industry Occupational Health & Safety Courses, a Safe Work on Roofs course, and has conducted hundreds of work-site safety inspections as a member of construction site safety committees as a site foreman.

Power tools are inspected and tagged, ladders are suited to application, scaffolds and lifting equipment will be to regulation. Work boots, gloves, goggles, dust masks, protective clothing, hi-visable tapes, construction helmets & ear muffs are issued to all Renovations & Restorations workers.

While the inspection, regulation and training on safety is important, so to is a safe attitude. Behaviour is governed by the attitude of the worker. A small business maybe able to operate with a poor safety attitude, but not for long. Dan has been in the Building Industry for over 35 years and has an impeccable personal safety record. This is not luck. Its due to an attitude that takes OH&S seriously for his workers, his clients and himself.